Do you have a favorite color? You know, the one you always seem to choose for your wardrobe ... your home ... maybe even your car? Or do you have a different color preference for each of those areas of your life? I used to think that last description fit me best. My wardrobe is predominantly blue and black, my home leans toward neutrals with an occasional splash of blue and green, and my car is a silvery tan color. When I looked at collections of my paintings and other artwork, I saw the same color choices, with a very strong preference toward green. I was pretty sure that my paint palette needed some brightening, but I had no idea how much until I used Year of Color on my Instagram feed! I expected to see lots of green since my tubes of sap green hue and chromium oxide green are always needing replacement, but all these grays, tans, and browns took me by surprise. It's definitely time to brighten up my palette! ![]() The little circles of chartreuse, bright blue, and red gave me hope and a place to start, so I came up with an action plan for the new year... For this first week of 2020, the focus color is YELLOW. Bright, clear yellow ... soft, yellow with a hint of orange ... maybe even a little chartreuse to liven things up! If I stick with the plan, in six weeks I will have added a rainbow of colors to my paint palette and a much brighter look to my Instagram feed! Truthfully though, I am looking forward to "green week"! Follow me on Instagram to see if my plan for colorful transformation is successful ... and have a very happy, colorful 2020!
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