If you don't mind a bit of a glitter and tempera paint, this is a great way to spend a wintery afternoon in December! This printmaking project was a favorite with my first grade students when I was teaching art full time, so it's ideal for young children with just a little help from a parent or older sibling. Check out these trees created by first grade students...When working with young children, especially ages 4-6, it's really all about the process of printing and the joy of paint and glitter, so no need to be concerned about the shape of their trees. Some children will be very precise with the placement of the circles and others, not so much. But either way, the results will be charming! Start by gathering supplies for the project:Click the link below for the complete tutorial on my YouTube channel:youtu.be/FQOSqlUViP0I'm new to YouTube! If you like this project, subscribe to my YouTube channel for regular updates when new projects are available. In the meantime, make art and have a wonderful holiday season!In my last blog post, I provided a list of my favorite art teacher tested, kid approved art supplies. If you missed it, click here.
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